Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Another day in the life of a fat man. Oh my. I am again a little smaller with little to no reason for it. I suppose when you're this big you might just sweat out a pound every so often. When I was rocking my program, I lost about a pound to a half pound a day which I think just goes to show just how much a body can be composed of butter and water. Of course back then I was weighing myself everyday, and that's not how you're supposed to do it but I was so freaked out/miserable at my future days lacking my favorite foodstuffs it was a serious motivator.

When you get right down to it, being abstinent is giving into the truth that you're sick. Or more to the point that you're sick and you can't eat ice cream. When I was a kid, ice cream was one of the best reasons to be sick for crying out loud. So in the shadow of program there is no ice cream, ever. I'm still having serious issues with that I guess.

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